
Jerash Tourist Attractions

Find all tourist attractions in Jerash, one of the largest and most well-preserved sites of Roman architecture in the world outside Italy.

The City of Jerash

Jerash lies on a plain surrounded by hilly wooded areas and fertile basins. Know More!

Oval Plaza of Jerash Jordan

The spacious plaza measures 90mx80m and is surrounded by a broad sidewalk and colonnade of 1st century AD Ionic columns. Know More!

The Cardo Colonnaded Street of Jerash Jordan

Still paved with the original stones – the ruts worn by chariots are still visible – the 800m Cardo was the architectural spine and focal point of Jerash.

North Theater of Jerash Jordan

The North Theater was built in 165AD. In front is a colonnaded plaza where a staircase led up to the entrance. Know More.

South Theater

The South Theater can seat more than 3000 spectators. The first level of the ornate stage.... Know More!

Jerash Archaeological Museum in Jordan

Jerash Archaeological Museum: The museum houses large collections of pottery, glass, metals and coins. Know More!

Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts

The Jerash Festival: held in July every year, transforms the ancient city into one of the worlds liveliest and most spectacular cultural events. Know More!

Nymphaeum Temple of jerash

This well-preserved example was originally embellished with marble facings on the lower level and painted plaster on the upper level. Know More!

The Cathedral of Jerash Jordan

In the 4th century the temple of Dionysus was rebuilt as a Byzantine church now referred to as the ‘Cathedral’.... Know More!

The Jerash Hippodrome

The Jerash Hippodrome: This massive arena was 245m long and 52m wide and could ..... Know More!

Hadrian’s Arch of Jerash Jordan

Hadrian’s Arch of Jerash Jordan: This splendid triumphal arch was intended to become the main Southern gate to the city...... Know More!